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1) The role of the Client

  1. To optimise the coaching relationship, the Client agrees to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance and to create the time and energy to participate fully in the sessions.

  2. The Client acknowledges that coaching is a comprehensive process which may involve different areas of their life, including career, study, finances, relationships, recreation and health. The Client agrees that choosing which areas to incorporate coaching principles into, is exclusively their responsibility.

  3. The Client is solely responsible for maintaining their own physical, mental and emotional well-being, and for making any decisions or choices which may arise from the coaching process.

  4. The Client acknowledges that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for counselling or therapy, and does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental health disorders. If the Client is currently under the care of a mental health professional, it is recommended they inform the care provider of the nature and extent of this coaching agreement.


2) The role of the Coach

  1. The Coach offers a non-judgmental environment of trust, openness, and confidentiality.

  2. The Coach will use a number of skills to build rapport, raise awareness and develop learning.

  3. The Coach will support and challenge the Client to achieve their goals, and will be responsible for keeping the client on track during the session.

  4. The Coach agrees to maintain the ethics and standards of behaviour established by the International Coach Federation “(ICF)” link here.


3) Confidentiality

This coaching relationship, and all information the Client shares with the Coach within it, is bound by the principles of confidentiality set forth in the ICF Code of Ethics. Please be aware that the Coach is legally bound to breach confidentiality only in the event of the Client planning to cause harm to self or others, or to engage in illegal activity. The Client also acknowledges their continuing obligation to raise any confidentiality questions or concerns with the Coach in a timely manner.


4) Payment and Invoicing


The Client agrees to pay for sessions before a session commences unless agreed with  The Coach. The Coach will provide an invoice for these services.


5) Cancellation Policy

The Client agrees that it is their responsibility to notify the Coach of session cancellation 48 hours in advance of the scheduled session. The Coach will attempt in good faith to reschedule the missed session without charge but reserves the right to charge applicable fees for any missed sessions.

Should the Client wish to discontinue the relationship at any time, they agree to pay for any outstanding sessions that have been agreed and committed to.


6) Release of Information

The Coach engages in ongoing training and education, pursuing and maintaining ICF credentials. This process requires the name and contact information of all Clients for possible verification by ICF. By signing this agreement, you agree to have only your name, contact information and start and end dates of coaching shared with ICF for the sole and necessary purpose of verifying the coaching relationship. No information relating to the content of the coaching sessions will be shared.  

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